Translation & INterpreting

Selected Work

The Marie Kondo Tidying Companion

The Marie Kondo Tidying Companion



For The Marie Kondo Tidying Companion, I translated the full manuscript to seamlessly integrate with Marie Kondo’s existing lexicon in her previous bestsellers. Since the original book had a complex, magazine-like layout, I worked closely with her editor at Pan Macmillan to make sure the translation was formatted and delivered in a way that was most helpful to the editorial and design teams.

Praise for Marie Kondo

“This book lives up to its title: it will change your life.”
—B.J. Novak, People

“How could this pocket-sized book, which has already sold over 2 million copies and sits firmly atop the New York Times Best Seller list, make such a big promise? Here’s the short answer: Because it’s legit. . . . Kondo’s method really can change your life—if you let it.”

“Ms. Kondo delivers her tidy manifesto like a kind of Zen nanny, both hortatory and animistic.”
—The New York Times

“Reading it, you glimpse a glittering mental freedom from the unread/uncrafted/unworn, buyer’s remorse, the nervous eyeing of real estate listings. Life’s overwhelm, conquered.”
—The Atlantic

“[It is] enough to salute Kondo for her recognition of something quietly profound: that mess is often about unhappiness, and that the right kind of tidying can be a kind of psychotherapy for the home as well as for the people in it . . . Its strength is its simplicity.”
—The London Times

The Power Wish

Japan’s Leading Astrologer Reveals the Moon’s Secrets for Finding Success, Happiness, and the Favor of the Universe

BY Keiko

For The Power Wish, I translated the full manuscript; served as the editorial liaison between Keiko and her US publisher, Penguin Random House; and translated promotional copy and social-media content into English to help launch Keiko’s book, website, and social channels in English.

Praise for the book

“A method of attracting good fortune that uses the moon as its conduit . . .  The Power Wish tells us how to use the moon, and its sway with the universe, to realize our greatest desires, whether that’s a career move or finding love.”

“Approved by the one and only Marie Kondo . . . It allows you to work with the universe to thrive.” 

“Power up your moon-ifesting with The Power Wish. . . . Keiko has a flair for making analogies that resonate with modern life. . . . This is an amazing guide to use book club-style with your cosmic crew. We plan to use it as a handbook for all of our future moon manifesting groups!”
—The AstroTwins

Goodbye, Things

The New Japanese Minimalism

BY Fumio Sasaki

For Goodbye, Things, I acted as an informal literary scout, bringing the work to the attention of the US publisher; I translated sample material to build the English-language book proposal; I suggested the English-language title, which communicates the spirit of the book but is not a literal translation of the original title; and I checked the finished translation of the full manuscript.

Praise for the book

“Inspiring in its straightforwardness and sincerity . . . I don’t think it would be possible to read Goodbye, Things without taking a look at your own home (and life) with a new set of eyes. . . . In the end, what matters is the thoughtfulness the book inspires.”
—Janel Laban, Apartment Therapy

“In his new book, Goodbye, Things, Fumio Sasaki shares the lessons he learned by going minimalist. . . . For Sasaki, minimalism isn’t about how little you have, but how it makes you feel. Sasaki credits his minimalist lifestyle with helping him lose weight, become extroverted and proactive, and above all, feel happy and grateful for what he has.”
—Heeseung Kim, Cosmopolitan

“Makes the case for radical minimalism . . . treat each of [Sasaki’s] 70 tips as an opportunity to reevaluate how you use and why you keep the things in your home.”
—Jenny Xie, Curbed

“Reading it, you glimpse a glittering mental freedom from the unread/uncrafted/unworn, buyer’s remorse, the nervous eyeing of real estate listings. Life’s overwhelm, conquered.”
—Katie Neal, Parade

Publicity & Marketing

In addition to written translation, I have served as a live interpreter in meetings with Keiko’s publisher and creative agency, and am Fumio Sasaki’s primary interpreter for publicity appearances and interviews related to Goodbye, Things and Hello, Habits.

Selected Works for Fumio Sasaki

Japan Society Live Webinar

Habit-Making: A Minimalist’s Tips for a Better Life

“Thank you for interpreting at last night’s program! You went above and beyond, and I really appreciate it. You were the perfect person to interpret for Sasaki-san. You not only knew the material so well, but you also presented it so eloquently.”
—Anna Cabasso, Program Officer at Japan Society

Martha Stewart

Goodbye, Things! 6 Decluttering Questions Answered by Minimalist Fumio Sasaki

By Macy Daniela Martin (archived on Oct 20, 2021)


Fumio Sasaki – Longing for less

By Joel Down

“I was really impressed by the ease with which you translated Sasaki’s words on the fly—and it shone through in the interview. By far the most interesting piece I’ve had the good fortune to work on.”
—Joel Down, Content Creator for TWOTHIRDS

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