Step into a life of


Rieko Yamanaka


My name is Rieko.

(Rhymes with San Diego). I’m a transformational life coach and the host of the When We Are Healed podcast.

Through a holistic blend of spiritual and somatic practices, I create safe spaces for people to heal their deepest hurts and connect with their inner wisdom, so that they can embody their fullest expression in their life and business.

“Instantly healing. Empowering. Validating. Rieko is a fantastic, loving, powerful presence that allows for deep healing.”


work with me

1:1 Transformational Life Coaching

Break through whatever is blocking you from your highest expression and create the life you truly love!

A companion for your healing journey

When We Are Healed Podcast

Honest, soul-to-soul conversations about the challenges of the human experience and the lessons in love we learn along the way.

Featured Guest Interviews

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